Wednesday, October 19, 2011

The Healing Energy of Guru Ram Das

Three years ago I attended my first Guru Ram Das chant.  I lived in San Antonio at the time and just completed level one teacher training in Austin.  I drove and hour to Austin the night before the chant and slept at a friend’s house.  I love to chant and meditate, so this was right up my alley.  The energy was dense and sweet.  I drove home that morning in the pouring rain and felt changed somehow.
From that point on my life wasn’t the same.  Having a vata and consequently flighty nature, I was never quite sure of my purpose.  After my first Guru Ram Das chant though, my purpose revealed itself to me clearly.  Flash forward three years and I now live in Austin and this is my second time planning the birthday celebration.
This time I had a different experience than years past.  This is my first year planning the 11-day lead up to the long 2.5-hour chant.  As I planned the 11-day lead up  a month in advance, I felt the energy of Guru Ram Das working through me.  This continued and intensified into the 11-days before his birthday.  He worked through me in subtle ways: I noticed the energy as a vital attention and consciousness with my everyday interactions and choices.  On his birthday, during the chant, I helped with administering students.  Rain poured down and we greeted each person with towels. Despite the rain many of us gathered in sacred space to chant.
Instead of chanting, I remained in the lobby with my friend Jap Bhagat.  We began a flowing, healing conversation that fully engaged us both.  When Guru Karam came out of the main yoga studio we both realized that we talked nearly the whole 2.5 hours!  The content of our conversation was in the flow of the healing energy of Guru Ram Das.  The content of our work was outside the yoga studio, not within.
It goes to show that spiritual energy may be experienced in many forms.  For me that morning it was delivered in the form of a conversation.  May we all be blessed to see the many forms the divine takes shape.  
Love & Light,
~Dharampal Kaur

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