Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Finding Guru Dev

In Kundalini Yoga, we begin class by tuning in with the Adi Mantra.  It's a way to join together in one vibration before we begin our practice.  Chanting 'Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo' tunes us into a particular frequency and is a way to tell our cells, 'Yoga is about to happen'!  The translation of this mantra ranges from simple to poetic.  Translated directly it means 'I bow to the subtle divine wisdom, the divine teacher within'.  There is a deeper understanding of the mantra.

Ong Namo means I call upon the creative consciousness.  Well, what do we call upon the creative consciousness to do exactly?......We call upon it to reveal 'Guru Dev'.  Guru Dev is not a person but a divine force that moves us from the darkness into the light.  When we tune in with Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo during our yoga practice we are saying, I call upon the ability to see the essence of Guru Dev as it is revealed to me.  Guru Dev can take any form.  It could be in the form of a challenging relationship, circumstance, or interaction with nature.  When we can recognize the essence of the creator working for us to provide the necessary situations and challenges on our path, we can more effectively work through them in a way that is in alignment with our personality.

However, the essence of the divine doesn't always have to be a challenge.  The support of the universe can appear to us in many ways.  Today I found Guru Dev in the form of a James Brown video.  After a long weekend of teacher training, I found myself at a low energy level.  I attended a one-on-one session at the Apple Store and the trainer showed me this video.  The energy level of James Brown immediately woke me up and made me smile.  It made me remember what my yoga practice is all about:  finding the truth about oneself and shining!  James Brown did it in 12" clogs!

It's good to keep an eye out not only for the challenges that will make me grow, but also for the joy that makes my spirit soar.  The James Brown video is posted below.  Enjoy.

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