Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Yoga Song: Yoga & Music for Wellness

What do yoga and singing have in common?

Well, nothing intellectually speaking, but they are related when you take a closer look.  Yoga is a physical practice that enhances well being.  When practiced regularly, yoga offers overall balance, clarity, and awareness.  Likewise, singing is a physical practice that enhances well being and when the vocal instrument goes unused, it becomes blocked.  In yoga, physical postures are used to enhance the flow of energy through our body; and often this is done in conjunction with sound to stimulate the vocal energy center -- ever chanted an Om before?  In my experience, yoga asana (physical postures), pranayama (breath practice) and meditation all work together to increase the flow of energy throughout the body including the vocal center.  This open flow translates to the ability to sing and speak with ease.

How does yoga affect the voice?

Yoga works in a multifaceted manner.  Firstly, through the practice of asana, energy and tension is released through the neck and shoulders to provide space and openness for the vocal chords.  Secondly, pranayama helps with breath control, so that the voice is supported by the exhale, leading to less tension and strain in the neck and vocal chords.  Finally, a regular mantra practice familiarizes the practitioner with the sound of her voice, increasing speaking and listening skills.  Often the sound of the voice is associated with communicating with the world at large, but when chanting mantra, the practitioner is both speaking and listening to themselves.

What is Kirtan?

Kirtan is a public group practice where mantras are chanted and accompanied by musical instruments.  Kirtan is also an effective practice and a great way to become familiar with different mantras in a social setting.

What is the benefit of yoga and mantra?

Singing and chanting gives one the experience of the spirit.  With this comes satisfaction that comes from within.  The tendency is to look outside of oneself for fulfillment.  One of the cornerstones of wellness is to feel good about oneself from within, not due to outside sources of validation or gratification.  So, the main benefit of yoga and mantra is wellness.  The ability to go within, knowing just what to do for yourself, and opening to spirit is empowering and one of the first steps to physical, emotional, and spiritual wellness.  

To experience this combination of Yoga & Mantra, join me on November 17th, at Yoga Yoga South from 2-4:30 for a special workshop.  Looking forward to seeing you there!

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